
What I Don't Say

I was just lazing around in my bed yesterday afternoon when the rhyming bug bit me (lol) so I typed this on my phone's notepad within 15 minutes or so. I'm sure everyone's familiar with how frustrating it is not to be able to say what you feel. It's like your hands are tied and you're just squirming to free yourself. But then again, if you do decide to express your thoughts, there's also the fear of being rejected and misunderstood. So you're stuck. And until you're brave enough, you'll be in same place, feeling the same feeling of frustration. HOW SAD.

P.S. By the way, I've revived my other Instagram account that's dedicated for my writings. I realized I should bring a little competition to Lang  Leav and R.M.Drake. LOL! Please follow @TheTalkingPen and be my 6th follower. 😂💦


I miss you but can't say
Every sun and every rain
Until it comes another day
It doesn't change
It's still the same
I long to see your face
For a second if I may
But 'til you hear what I don't say
It won't change
It's still the same
If thunder comes with heartbreaks
You'll know how much it aches
But love's quiet as calm lakes
So I'll just wait
For what won't change


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