
He's Not You

For that someone you can't have but still keep longing for.

He's not like you.
You wouldn't turn at the sound of my voice
Nor be at full attention to the treble of my laughter
You wouldn't single me out in a crowd
More so look for me in a room full of people

He's not like you.
He would gently wrap his hands on mine
Like it was my heart he was holding
He would never ignore the faint glint in my eyes
That subtly confirm my feelings

He's nothing like you.

But he's not you.

He holds onto me tightly
But my mind keeps wandering off 
Towards your direction
Because even with this distance
I still don't want to lose sight of you

He steps in for your shortcomings
And for a moment, I've thought of walking towards him, too
But it scares me to take a closer look
And see that he's everything I need, but he's not you.


Photo by it's me neosiam from Pexels

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