
Travel Stories: Above Ground - Ultralight Plane Flying

I have to hand it to my father.

Had he not been persistent about getting on an ultralight plane, I would not have discovered the different high from flying 200-300 feet above the ground.

The Mindanao Saga Flying Club (click to be directed to their website) did a mall exhibit at Abreeza last March. Since then, my father has not stopped trying to get us to Mati to board their Ultralight Sport 2S. Mindanao Saga offers a ride on the 2S at P1,800 per head (with GoPro), fairly expensive given the ride is only for 15 minutes. However, most unique experiences come with a price tag...and flying on an ultralight plane is no exception. I'm just glad my father wanted this so much that he was willing to pay for us, too. :D

You pay for the thrill, and I guess we got our money's worth, because I have tried to put together words to describe the feeling I had as I was looking down on Dahican Beach, but I all I got so far is, "awesome." I have posted our video so you know what went down. But really, it's something you have to experience for yourself. I've always wanted to fly. Last weekend, I did.

(please view in HD)