
Playing It Safe

"Hello my old heart, are you still there inside my chest?
...Everyday I add another stone to the walls I built around you, to keep you safe....It's true, you'll never beat, but you'll never break."
- Hello My Old Heart by The Oh Hellos

Ah. Hello. Remember my blog entry about why I'm single?


Let me remind you. Read it here: The One. Lol

So I'm back to sound-tripping on Spotify and I heard this song by The Oh Hellos. And it's so on point with how I justify my choices related to matters of the heart. To have seen and felt pain, you of course decide to avoid it at all costs...even if it means you'll never love again. Because you'd rather not know love than suffer the pain that comes with it. Like how some people (me included) haven't really tried caviar, even though many say it tastes really good. But we're still okay with our lives sans caviar. We're happy eating other food. It doesn't really matter and our days go about fine. For all we know, we wouldn't like caviar if we've tasted it ourselves. ;)

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